The Firm…….

If indeed one million Dutch employees are being bullied at work, that means that hardly any company or organisation is spared this outrage. Of course there are workplaces where it happens more often than in others, with remarkable similar characteristics. And, fortunately, there are also, predominantly younger, smaller and more innovative organisations, that proceed more consciously and responsibly.

The Status Quo Firm

Workplace Bullying happens more often within big(ger), older, hierarchical, rigid organisations. Often based on constitutions and rules dating from times gone, that have little to do with nowadays society. Plus, often inherent, conservative top management (with lots of power) opposing (with all their might) changes or improvements, out of fear of loss of their position, power and €’s. The bigger the organisation, the more volatile control, and the easier responsibility can be evaded.  

Because, let’s face it, occurrence of Workplace Bullying is possible because management turns a blind eye. In any case of severe bullying, there are always many moments at which could have been intervened and solutions sought. But the choice is made to not interfere! And thus to let the intimidation continue.

In such cultures managers surround themselves with the most obedient employees, who are rewarded for it. Subsequently becoming managers themselves, with the same governing style. Down the line human values do not play any role. Only quantitative measuring and judging based on productivity. Such stirring up of competition often is detrimental to collaboration and mutual relations, forced as one is to focus on output. Needless to say that motivation and any initiative are by that also nipped in the bud. This constitutes a brake on the development of people. That is how people get ill.

A Safe and Motivating Firm

Positive about the aforementioned is that it also points out what is needed to feel safe and motivated at work. That is to say : being seen, heard and appreciated (connection). Thus healthy, completely open communication. Respect. (A sense of) Belonging, as you are, for who you are. Working together to achieve shared, inspiring goals. A healthy and secure environment in which it is safe to be vulnerable and in which one wants to show initiative, both essential for innovation.

Of managers this requires first of all actually taking responsibility. Responsibility for sufficient self-knowledge and awareness needed for responsible leadership. Responsibility for motivating the potential of employees. Encouragement of their sense of self-esteem and thereby their creativity, initiative and thus innovation. Involvement; being approachable and responsive. Connection, and thus open communication. Reliability. Compassion. Empathy.

The best thing about this is that quantity actually improves because of more motivated common effort. And the quality is improved by optimum use of the different ‘added values’ of satisfied co-workers. Win-win!

And beyond…

Workplace Bullying is a corollary, a product of the same blurring of moral standards, dehumanisation and individualisation of society as a whole. Of the western world as a whole even. Hardly ever have we been confronted with so many and such huge challenges as we are today. This competition-, polarisation- and conflict mode has caused more than enough harm. Change and a cultural revolution are indispensable and inevitable! That is so obvious that it is hard to comprehend that the vast majority is still putting the brakes. It shows how deeply rooted the self-centredness is within the status quo (“après moi le déluge, as long as I am home and dry”). But maintaining the status quo isn’t even an option. The only way out of the downward spiral is transformation. That is the only (positive) outcome.

A critical mass is needed to bring about change. Change that is awareness. Awareness in the sense of self-realisation, becoming the best version of who you (already) are. In essence this comes down to what is needed for conscious and responsible leadership, that is to say : (self- and context-) awareness, integrity, compassion, empathy and connection!

“When it comes down to really changing the world,

the small group needs to proceed from a higher state of consciousness,

because the problems of the world cannot be solved

from the same level of consciousness that created them.”

Albert Einstein

Maartje Rutten, The Hague, April 15th 2019         

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