Task Force Workplace Bullying / Awareness

Workplace Bullying (Mobbing) is becoming a problem of epidemic proportions, meaning that hardly any organisation or company is spared. It constitutes a concrete example of the already mentioned loss of connection, communication and relations. The approach towards Workplace Bullying thus far however has mainly been “post-trauma”, ‘where can you report, who can coach?’ etc. This mostly concerns internal departments, that are, by definition, not independent. Workplace Bullying still is a huge taboo. It concerns adults…(!). The management often does not want to recognise that such practices occur on their work floor, thereby further stigmatising the target and/or even getting rid of him or her, in which case no lessons are learned at all and such practices continue. The problem, however, goes much deeper and is a symptom of seriously disturbed mutual relations and organisation and company cultures, as mentioned earlier. It is absolutely crucial that this problem receives far more attention. Because of the severely damaging consequences for the target but also for organisations and companies in terms of productivity (troublesome collaboration, sick-leave etc.) and also for the government and her productivity as well as in terms of social services and thus costs.

As an Expert by Experience and Academic Researcher (some 20 years of experience) I want to tackle this problem from the inside as opposed to those advising from the ivory tower. Describe, from the point of view of the target, these frightening processes, behaviour and strategies, and propose recommendations. First of all for the target as it finds itself in the most precarious position. How do you cope every day? How can you protect yourself and offer resistance? Where does it come from, why does one become a victim/scapegoat, and how do you rid yourself of it? Where can you turn to for juridical support (or not!)? But subsequently obviously also examining “the other(s)”, the bully/bullies, and how one switches to that kind of behaviour as well as the crucial role of ‘group behaviour’ in this. And, last but definitely not least, the leadership and the type of organisation(culture) within which psychological harassment is tolerated.  

Subsequently, how can the obtained knowledge contribute to innovation, to connecting people and improve collaboration. In order to prevent bullying and improve the work atmosphere, motivation  and thus productivity. Workplace Bullying is a symptom and effect of what is going wrong within organisations and therefore the key to solutions for new ways of thinking and improved interaction. Key to more effective leadership, capable of renovation, based on connection and respect. Self-knowledge and Awareness play a very important role in all this. For the target but ideally also for the context, although that will be a real challenge, to move “the other” to also take its responsibility and have the guts to search one’s own conscience.

I am establishing  a big research project of, for the time being, two years, involving experts from different disciplines (countries?), as I have done in the past, at European scale. Crucial parts such as changing organisation cultures and improving juridical protection, are longer-term processes and require a solid approach and solid research (for short term solutions see Workplace Bullying / Awareness.txt). It concerns a set group of participants, with sufficient representation of Workplace Bullying targets, in order to keep the focus on ‘improvement according to them and for them’. In the end, change can only come from bottom up! Subsequently there will be periodic meetings, to which specific experts will be invited according to different topics on the agenda, such as improved juridical protection, or psychological aspects. Further still, Workplace Bullying is not only a Dutch problem. Successful outcomes and recommendations could prove of use to other countries as well and there are, of course, lessons to be learned from them as well. This makes it potentially important as well for an EU for instance. The goal of the EU is (improved) collaboration and practically everything within the EU concerns (improved) cooperation. 

Workplace Bullying / Awareness.txt

As Workplace Bullying is an extremely urgent problem and solutions needed as soon as possible, I am writing a paper with recommendations with my own lessons learned. Based on my own scientific 12+ years of psychoanalytical, spiritual (=self-examination), philosophical and sociological research and 9+ years of experience with the subject. As a researcher in heart and soul, I tackled ‘what was happening on the work floor’ in the same way as I have always tackled (work related) issues : by doing research! This is the way I got through and I have learned a great many positive and wise lessons and gained important insights that I now want to contribute. I am convinced of having found solutions for coping with it! To not let yourself be beaten by it but emerge stronger!  

You cannot change anyone, and a bully probably even less. But you can increase your own strength and to this end I have found important tools, guidance and assistance. What I needed myself, I can now give!