
Hardly ever has the world political scene witnessed so much turbulence. And the effects are felt by the West more clearly every day. IS, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, refugee crises, polarisation, the EU into disrepute, Brexit, Trump, accelerating climate change, growing economic inequalities etc. etc. But also within Western countries there is turmoil. Soulless organisations and companies are collapsing everywhere. Obviously Zero-Sum thinking cannot provide long term solutions. Change is needed. Not only elsewhere, outside the borders, but also here, at the base. Interpersonal (communication, connection) and intrapersonal (selfreflection, selfknowledge).

Research / Analysis / Advice

Approximately 20 years of experience in academic research in the field of European and international security and defence matters have made me an expert in academic research and analysis. That is to say fast scanning and processing of large quantities of information (in Dutch, English, French, Spanish), in order to abstract the essence and, in my own words, suggest ideas and proposals for a specified target group. In the past these were think tanks, international organisations (mainly EU and NATO), national Ministries (of Defence), and the defence industry. Always with improved collaboration as the target. Essential skills are ; * Trendwatching : sensing what will become important issues and thus long-term thinking ; * Vision : seeing earlier, clear ideas, quick and easy revealing of non-obvious connections and thinking out-of-the-box.

Copy-writing / Translation (NL/EN/FR/SP)

In those 20 years I have gained enormous experience in writing (policy papers, articles, speeches, reports, books et al). Mainly in English and Dutch but I am proficient in French (propaedeutics, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year Master’s linguistics and work experience in Paris and Brussels) and Spanish (DELE C1) as well, as regards speaking, reading and writing skills. If desired, I can thus translate the results of my research as well. Obviously this is easier for the researcher herself, as she knows best what she wants to say. Simultaneously I can include information in four languages in my research and analysis. This means that more information is available and thus the study more objective. 

Project-organisation Project-management

For my research I have organised and managed many conferences and research projects, through which I gained important project-organisation and project-management skills. From writing the project proposal to initiating (including fund raising) and managing the research projects, to writing the final report.

In all those years I gained tremendous knowledge of European and international defence and security matters, relations and developments. I am, however, not restricted to security affairs. I am prepared and flexible enough to broaden my horizons. The international aspect however remains my “comparative advantage”, in terms of experience as well as language skills. “Europe” is and will remain the Netherlands’ future, and will become ever more of a challenge and it is exactly in this area that I have important experience. 

Self-examination Self-insight / Awareness

A crucial innovation is that I attach great value to self-study, self-insight and awareness, studying it myself very intensively since early 2006. I approach my work from this point of view. Also at organisation, company and national level, the lack of self-reflection is, in essence, the cause of solely zero-sum thinking, selfishness, struggle for power, and a lack of vision. A phenomenon like Workplace Bullying is a horrible consequence and example of it (see :Coaching; Task Force Workplace Bullying / Awareness and Workplace Bullying / Awareness.txt). But also internationally, of course, the 100% focus on money, power and status, and the resulting inequality, is the cause of small-scale to large-scale conflicts and wars. The many new social media allow instant communication with the whole world but at the cost of real personal contact, which in turn increases harshness. Substantial and radical changes are needed as regards connection, communication and contact. It is my mission to combine the two. That is to say combine the longer term thinking that is too often lacking (because of too much focus on ‘quick wins’ and self-interest) with improved, context-aware ways of working and collaborating, thus improving output. This from company/organisation level to national level, to international level. This is exactly the expertise that I have developed.

With my international experience, language skills and broad knowledge of personal development and awareness, I take a more holistic approach, visionary : Socio-Political Studies, Forward-looking Insight Studies.

This unique mix of:

  • Research  
  • Analysis
  • Advice
  • Copywriting
  • NL/EN/FR/SP (Information Processing & Translation)
  • Self-knowledge / Awareness

constitutes the work that I offer independently. It represents my experience. But most of all : these skills are my passions!

The comprehensiveness makes me suitable for conducting research and analysis for a think tank in the field of international relations as well as social studies; but also for companies, small-scale to Shell, that need strategic vision. But as well for organisations and companies that want to tackle internal social fragmentation and improve connection, collaboration, motivation and thus production, possibly even across borders. Socio-Political (Insight, Visionary) research / analysis / studies, national and international.