Tools to Defy Workplace Bullying Part II : What can you achieve Internally (within your organisation/company)?

Not much really. With six years and overall ultimately even more than nine years of experience, the advice is and remains : focus on your Self!

Which does not mean that you should not try to make use of the “tools” that are available internally. If only to prevent, at any point in time, any reproach of having refrained to have done the least of that (“if only you had….”). Whatever you do, or fail to do, can and will be used against you. So try to follow the internal procedures. The game of the other side consists to a large extent in hiding behind rules and procedures and ever more rules and procedures.

What exists in terms of support and assistance and is added institutionally after subsequent studies, remains : internal! And therefore cannot, by definition, be independent! And thus cannot be safe! Not the confidential contact person, not the company medical officer, not so-called “independent” investigation commissions…. As long as “I don’t bite the hand that feeds me” is applicable, you have to remain on your guard. There are not many moral crusaders sympathizing with you to such an extent that they would actually put their career at risk for you. What is added institutionally internally, is sadly enough often externally oriented, that is to say to show ‘all that is being done’.

Seeking help is absolutely recommendable because it is a ‘war of attrition’. Psychologically, physically, socially (financially)… And not only surviving, also recovering. But seek help from outside. Independent support! Safe help! Because nothing is more important in your situation than genuinely being seen and heard! Exactly because it is so difficult to internally report (behaviour of) colleagues and why far too many people refrain from doing just that. Exactly because of the gigantic taboo on Workplace Bullying. Exactly because daring to make yourself vulnerable and asking for help is difficult enough. Protect yourself! Seek safe help.

An essential positive step in the process of focussing on your Self. It is your life and thus your responsibility to help yourself in this regard. Also to examine what is happening. Why it is happening. What is your own share and where does it come from? In addition, research of the context, the bully(ies), the management, the organisation/the company/the culture et al will bring you important insights, also about yourself, enabling you to distance yourself. If you want to emerge stronger you will have to examine all of this. Self-realisation/awareness as it is called. Far from an easy job. That is for certain. But it is the only way.

Because, as holds true for every problem, from small-scale to bigger problems and even international problems : it is not about “plastering wounds” but going down to the core of the problems and addressing the real issues at stake. And this counts for everyone involved! But because you cannot change anyone and only are responsible for your own life : focus on your Self.

“It is the most that we can do, internally”, will be their (organisations’/companies’) reaction. But that is the same refusal to tackle the real crux of the problems. Tackling the real issues at stake would require changes and thus possibly challenge the status quo…           …Talking about taboos…

What you can achieve internally can only possibly be determined in a, hopefully not too distant, future. When organisation and company cultures have finally really been scrutinised. And more responsible and (context- and self-) conscious leadership is realised, based on connection and respect.

Maartje Rutten, The Hague, March 16, 2019    

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